
Showing posts from January, 2013

The loss of happiness

Living beings have the ability to adapt to its environment. If you take  a trip to Serangan Island in Bali you'll find a landfills there and  do not be surprised if you find a lot of cows there enjoying the "buffet". Cows, meadow, cows, meadow? Not always. You can also find that landfills area are surrounded by shelters of people who earn a living in the vicinity. I saw a BBC documentary film titled Welcome to India ( ) that describes the human ability to adapt to life among the dense population in India which ranks the second most populous in the world.The documentary described how three families with different professions endure the circumstances and make a living from day to day. There is one scene that really caught my attention. It's a life of a group of "miners", well actually mud collector, who start working after midnight draining as much mud as possible from the culverts, transferring the mud to ...

Di manakah gerangan wahai kebahagiaan?

  English version Mahluk hidup memiliki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya, kalau ada yang pernah jalan-jalan ke TPA di Pulau Serangan, Bali, jangan heran jika melihat banyak sapi di sana. Tidak jarang TPA juga dijadikan tempat hunian bagi orang-orang yang memperoleh penghidupan di sekitarnya. Baru baru ini saya melihat filem dokumenter BBC bertajuk Welcome to India ( ) yang memaparkan kemampuan beradaptasi/hidup manusia diantara padatnya penduduk di India yang menempati peringkat ke-2 terpadat di dunia. Digambarkan di sana bagaimana  tiga keluarga dengan profesi yang berbeda-beda bertahan dengan keadaan dan mencari penghidupan dari hari ke hari.  Salah satu cerita yg sangat menarik adalah sekelompok "penambang" lumpur yang setiap dini hari beraksi bersama rekan sejawatnya menguras gorong-gorong penuh lumpur, mara bahaya -karena di situ jugalah markas kaljengking, ular dan serangga berbahaya lainnya- sudah jela...

Kalpanax for the WORLD!

Dalam setiap masalah, terkandung solusi. Selalu ada inovator dan problem solver di setiap kurun waktu dan di setiap masyarakat, level RT, kelurahan, kecamatan, negara. Yang belum (diterapkan) adalah problem solver tingkat dunia, tingkat universe. Menurutku rata-rata solusi instan cuma bakalan menimbulkan masalah baru, karena tidak mencapai akar permasalahan. Contoh (skala paling kecil); penemuan AC itu menurutku konyol banget, kalo penggunaannya bukan di gurun pasir. Banyak orang, tebang pohon, bikin bangunan beton, tanpa perhitungan sirkulasi udara yang mantap, trus pasang AC. Giliran TDL naek pada tereak. Kalau mau sembuhin panu, jangan cuma digaruk, olesin Kalpanax! Iklan layanan masyarakat ini didukung oleh:

In case you doubt that all creatures, and everything exist in this world has purpose.

Incase you wonder why God created mosquitos. Here is a lesson that I learned from Insect Museum in Chiang Mai.  "How does the mosquito serve to benefit all live? The little mosquitos are more of our friends than enemy. This family of insects brings many useful benefits to many living things and processes. It is important to remind you that of Thailand's 459 different species only 10 are vectors f or disease. Nature gives each species a specific design and only certain species of mosquito are physiologically design with the capability to carry and transit disease to humans and other animals. It is a simple fact that all animals of this planet carry disease in their body who will become sick or die and by what disease depend on several dynamic factors. We could consider the level of immunity within the body or the energetic strength/capability to resist or destroy the poison of the specific disease. The mosquito do transfer a minor toxin that act to ge...

Bali and Scientology

I conduct an interview with several Balinese who were born in the 70s, and all of those interviewees agreed on one thing; they used to be happier. Today, I accidentaly opened a website about As many of you know, Tom Cruise has b een a devotee of Scientology. The site's explanation on quality of life has all the words that I need to say regarding the source of today's Balinese feeling of 'we used to be happier'. Scientology says: Thanks to scientific and technical advances over the last hundred years, most people today are materially wealthier than their forefathers. Yet, by their own accounts, the improvement in the quality of their lives has not matched their material gains. In fact, it may be argued that people once were happier and more fulfilled. For some, material affluence breeds anxiety, a gnawing fear that if someone doesn’t take away their hard-earned acquisitions, the end of their days will prematurely arrive to finish t...

Rindu Bali yang dulu

Bagi mereka yang lahir di tahun 70-an, apa yang diceritakan oleh salah seorang teman Bali saya, Made, seorang driver kelahiran 1976, hanya tinggal kenangan yang tidak akan pernah terulang bahkan gambaran-gambaran yang mirip seperti lukisan Bali tidak akan pernah dijumpai lagi saat ini. Bli Made, bisa ceritain gak kayak apa sih kehidupan Bli Made waktu kecil dulu? Tahun 86, saya sudah kelas 5 SD dan jaman itu kerajinan tangan sudah mulai marak, saya dulu bikin celepuk (burung hantu), setiap pulang sekolah kerja jadi pengrajin celepuk dibayar 3500 rupiah perhari, jaman itu uang saku hanya 100 rupiah, dan harga tanah 250,000 per are (10 x 10 m). Dulu kepemilikannya gak seperti sekarang, kalau ada transaksi hanya pakai surat menyurat (perjanjian) saja, tidak ada sertifikat, malahan boleh minjam lahan orang. Harga 250,000 rupiah per are itu lokasinya sudah persis di pinggir jalan dan jaman itu gak ada orang nyari tanah di lembah-lembah, pinggir sungai atau pantai sepe...