
Showing posts from 2013

Bila benih tanaman punah, begitupula manusia.

Sumber foto: Simak link tentang bahaya pestisida: Makan sayurpun belum tentu lebih sehat. Benih transgenik, pupuk kimia dan pestisida sudah merupakan satu paket jika hasilnya ingin "maksimal". Konsumen hanya bisa memilih apa yg tersedia di pasaran, seolah tidak memiliki posisi tawar yang kuat untuk menuntut produsen makanan lebih bertanggung jawab, padahal ini menyangkut jangka waktu dan kualitas hidupnya sendiri dan hak prerogatif untuk berbelanjapun sebenarnya dipegang oleh konsumen. Selain hal itu disebabkan karena rata-rata manusia jaman sekarang rupanya semakin menurun tingkat kecerdasannya (terlepas dari jenjang pendidikan dan status sosial- jangan sungkan untuk mengakui hal ini) kemampuan kita untuk bercocok tanam atau keterikatan kita dengan tanah (sebagai sumber makanan) semakin lekang oleh peradaban baru yang lebih digandrungi. S

Messages for travel writer

"So why aren’t you, the new generation of penmen and -women, stepping into an expanding vacuum? Why aren’t more of you – buttressed by blogging skills and vocal in your frustrated desire to be recognised for your craft – helping to drive the kind of change that positions you as leaders? More nimble, more imaginative, more bold and less reliant on traditional revenue sources, you have little stopping you". (Ethan Gelber) Read more about his opinion on travel writing : Tulisan lainnya, dalam bahasa Indonesia :  "Menjamurnya travel blogger juga turut ambil bagian dalam kegilaan masa ini. Para penulis amatir yang saya yakin belum atau tak pernah belajar kode etik blogger ini memperburuk keadaan. Berbekal menulis seadanya mereka menulis sebuah artikel tanpa tendeng aling. Seolah-olah dalam penulisan artikelnya tak memiliki tanggung jawab etis pada pembacanya. Setiap blogger, bagi saya, wajib

Path Dependency

Definition of 'Path Dependency' An idea that tries to explain the continued use of a product or practice based on historical preference or use. This holds true even if newer, more efficient products or practices are available due to the previous commitment made. Path dependency occurs because it is often easier or more cost effective to simply continue along an already set path than to create an entirely new one. Investopedia explains 'Path Dependency' An example of path dependency would be a town that is built around a factory. It makes more sense for a factory to be located a distance away from residential areas for various reasons. However, it is often the case that the factory was built first, and the workers needed homes and ammenities built close by for them. It would be far too costly to move the factory once it has already been established, even though it would better serve the community from the outskirts of town. Source: http://www.investopedia.

Path dependency (ketergantungan pada jalur).

Definition of 'Path Dependency' An idea that tries to explain the continued use of a product or practice based on historical preference or use. This holds true even if newer, more efficient products or practices are available due to the previous commitment made. Path dependency occurs because it is often easier or more cost effective to simply continue along an already set path than to create an entirely new one. Investopedia explains 'Path Dependency' An example of path dependency would be a town that is built around a factory. It makes more sense for a factory to be located a distance away from residential areas for various reasons. However, it is often the case that the factory was built first, and the workers needed homes and ammenities built close by for them. It would be far too costly to move the factory once it has already been established, even though it would better serve the community from the outskirts of town. Sumber:

My favorite natural products from Bali

Most natural products displayed in this blog are limited and unfortunately they are not cheap because the sources are limited and most herbalist must grow their own organic herbs. The process is time consuming and therefore the availability is limited. Enough is enough with petroleum based detergent, let's go back to local wisdom. I've been using liquid soap nut for my laundry and sometimes for washing dishes for the past five years. Traditional people in Java still using soap nut (Lerak in Javanese) to wash their precious hand painted batik collections (to maintain its colour and to protect the material since the usage of detergent can harm its quality) and to wash their jewelries. Since I am allergic to petroleum based detergent I started using Lerak five years ago recommended by a Balinese friend of mine. The only problem using liquid soap nut is we can not wash white clothes with it and it doesn't have any scent so we can a

Catatan perjalanan ke Kyoto

Cantik sekali, luar biasa cantik, kalau Anda berkunjung ke Kyoto, mata Anda akan terus menerus dimanjakan karena setiap sudutnya tertata rapih, penuh warna, terkesan damai dan sangat artistik. Surga untuk yang senang belanja, wisata kuliner, budaya, informasi teknologi dan pornografi. One stop shopping. Setiap kali belanja sekecil apapun barang belanjaan dan pengeluaran Anda pasti akan dikemas sangat cantik dan mendapatkan pelayanan yang membuat Anda merasa spesial. Setiap kali Anda membeli jajanan, sekecil apapun nilainya rasanya seperti membeli jajanan eksklusif karena penyajiannya yang artistik. Dulu saya melihat apapun yang ada di Jepang terutama Kyoto adalah mimpi yang harus terwujud di negara kita, terutama tata kotanya, kemampuan mengkonservasi budaya dan bangunan-bangunan kunonya, kualitas pelayanannya serta kecanggihan infrastrukturnya. Seperti halnya setiap hubungan, semakin dalam Anda mengenal pasangan Anda, akan semakin melihat kekurangannya. Dulu

"Datuk Maringgih": Merdeka atoe "gila"!

"Datuk Maringgih" Saya panggil dia Datuk Maringgih cuma karena dia doyan banget cewek cantik tapi gak pernah dapet, sekalinya dapet langsung diajak kawin sama ceweknya dan akhirnya dikawinin juga tu cewek cakep dengan alasan kasian ama tu cewek karena dia sudah menyerahkan kegadisannya dan setelah menikah keduanya sepakat untuk hidup terpisah, setelah punya anak. Silahkan mengerutkan kening. Orang ini paling sering bikin jengkel karena pembicaraannya jarang bisa saya mengerti, itu dulu, ternyata emang karena "ilmu" saya belum nyampe. Waktu itu saya pikir orang ini super sotoy aja karena pendidikannya gak tinggi dan gak doyan baca, tapi rajin nonton sinetron, karena suka liat cewek cantik di TV. Semakin hari saya semakin dalam mengenalnya dan sering di propose untuk menikahinya. Sinting ni orang. Pernah satu kali dia ngajak saya nikah di warung pecel lele, makannya nambah dua kali, selesai makan dia nanya, kamu punya uang gak, bayarin dong. Helooo abis

Obituary of the fireflies

"You know the reason why I decided to choose this place? it's because of the fireflies, the water (river) and the ricefield. Now the water is not like it used to be, the fireflies are gone." When he said that I thought it is very similar to love. We might have reasons why we love someone or something, but when we intent to own the things we love they will dissapear before us. So, love, let it be and set them free. Now I understand. "Don't underestimate this place, this place has a very high vallue, it's a matter of my missmanagement. It's a very good business."  No doubt about it, it is true from the point of view of an investor, it is a very good location, but it won't be considered as a good business from the point of view of environtmentalists. "Why it is not?" There are some springs located within your property. In Balinese tradition, springs are considered sacred. "No, I don't believe in such thing